STAR complex

  • Sore throat, elevated Temperature, migratory Arthritis, and a pruritic urticarial Rash (STAR).
  • Eleven of 18 (61%) patients had low antinuclear antibody titers. HLA-A2 was noted in 8 of 10 (80%) of those tested.
  • Test results were positive in eight cases for IgM antibodies to parvovirus and in six cases for IgM antibodies to rubella South Med J. 1993 May;86(5):521-8
  • parvo B19, hepatitis B, adeno, echo, Coxsackie, EBV(CMV HIV)
  • AOSD

あらためて調べてみるとSTAR complexってあんまり使用されていない概念なのかも…自分が教えてもらったSTARはなんだったかな。忘れたよ…